Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I have been painting using Soft Pastel since 1998. Before that I had no idea I could paint at all. I now enjoy Soft Pastel, Colour Pencil, Charcoal and black pencil. My last achievement was with Brush and Pen work in the style of Chinese Painting. Since joining the Lismore Art Club I have found many talents that apparently lay dormant.  

 2021....I have now come back to my blog and hope to show what I have been up to.  It may be a little  -  or a lot -   out of order, but computer skills are not 100%,  I would rather do other things........ thank you for reading,   I hope you enjoy as much as I have and hope to in the future... 

1 comment:

  1. some lovely pictures Rosanne.
    do hope you get the time to continue creating lovely paintinga.
